Favorite dishes and kitchen stories from Italy
"A modo mio" - My Way
I present cuisine without frills, original Italian, mostly vegetarian and simply perfect for everyday life. Discover tips and tricks for perfect pasta, risotto or homemade bread. Be inspired by street food and pickled recipes. In the process, I recall my childhood memories: of Nonna Nina and Mamma Maria in the kitchen, cleaning vegetables, telling stories and laughing - these are my magic ingredients that turn every dish into something truly special. Unfortunately, there is no English version of my book yet. Below you will find links to order my German book and my Italian book.
Lieblingsgerichte und Küchengeschichten aus Italien.
Click on the picture to order the book.
A MODO MIO il libro (Italian)
Piatti e storie della cucina italiana
Click on the picture to order the book.
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